Thursday, September 10, 2009

Of Sweeps and Stabborn Dirt

My good friend who lives and works in a first world (or is it fast world) reckons after the noise generated by the ringera appointment that all of us in this country have got it all wrong and that Ringera is hardly the problem. the problem he believes is with all of us. that Ringera is just a sacrificial lamb when the corruption situation is already cancerous. he says the Kenyan population is corrupt to the bone and will require a miracle to fix. My friend is Kenyan born , brought up and worked under this sun. so he probably is talking from experience, may both as a victim and villain of the vice.

But I disagree. My friend's argument is like the one of the floor sweeps in a company i used to work for before. they would say that once they mop, you must not step on the floor! or rather when they were mopping you had to stay out. which i found baffling since the floor is bound to get dirty. their work was to clean it. Just like Ringera. He was employed to clean the mess and its foolhardy to come round and say the floor was bound to get dirty even if he did clean it. that should not stop him!

That same argument was used when one old Moi was taking the country to the dogs. people said, Moi was good but only his friends were bad and so that made the nation poor. but one pastor told me that in order to know someone, you just need to look at his friends.

But what is posible when citizens are honest and not corrupt? My friend says the roads are clean, transport works, water runs in the taps, Light is available as God ordained it and basically life works. And why cant we be honest then?

But on a sweeter note, England, a team i love to hate made it yesterday to the Worlds greatest show on earth (FIFA World Cup) in style. It was difficult for me to tell whether it was the former Kenya colonisers who were good or the croations who were playing like Kenya's Harambee stars. But I enjoyed the game


  1. I don't believe all citizens in any country are honest and incorruptible. I feel that for Kenya, we have simply lacked revolutionary leaders who aren't driven by greed, rather passion to make good for generations to come. Technology and policies can help, but it comes down to individuals making the tough choices to do the right thing.

  2. Mwasjd, you are probably right. When you look around you, what do you see? here i don't mean looking in the ward or constituency, i mean looking around at your bosses at work, you colleagues and friends and also yourself. Coz i believe thats where it all starts.


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